9/1 6 PM ET **RESOLVED** issues with all FCC connected services (fixed in all systems except myLPFM).

Updated 9-1-2023 6:00 PM ET:

Issues with myLPFM have been resolved.  Overall, we are considering this case now as resolved utilziing several workarounds that while undesirable may turn out to work better towards the overall efficiency of our services.  This issue is now closed.

Updated 8-31-2023 10:30 AM ET :

Resumption of other maps in FCCdata / Issues remain with myLPFM

All mapping in FCCdata that requires calls to FCC resources have been updating and should be routing correctly.  Rate limiting applies only to the maps that involve such calls to FCC resources.  On a rate limited map, the map should still appear but the contour will not.  Rate limiting also applies to the HAAT button.  

The only system that still has issues is myLPFM.  We will be working on that next.  

When reporting trouble to REC, please include the full URL showing in the address bar where you experienced the problem. 

Updated 8-30-2023 08:45 AM ET :

Resumption of TV contour maps.  Rate limiting shifted from the page level to the map level.

We are in the process of restoring contour mapping to FCCdata.org.  

At this time, we are going to remove the emergency rate limiting on FCCdata.org that was imposed last Sunday to the entire site.

Instead, we are going to rate limit the individual maps that include a call to the FCC Contour API.  The rate limit will remain the same (no more than 6 accesses per Class B domain per minute).  If a map is rate limited, the map and all REC elements to those maps will continue to display.  Where possible, if no contours are displayed, a message below the map to advise of rate limiting will be shown.  We have already deployed this rate limiting on the US TV maps.  Therefore, US TV contours are now live once again on FCCdata.  Maps that use entirely REC data (including cached FCC data) are not subject to rate limiting and do not count against the periodic allowance.

We will be working on the other maps.

We will also be working on methods to cache contour map data, which would mean that we would not have to make a call to the FCC and as a result, not subject the user to rate limiting for that transaction.  

Updated 8-30-2023 07:45 AM ET :

Resumption of Authorizations service

We are restored eLMS support of authorizations on FM facilities.  When eLMS determines that a FM engineering application is granted, it will seek out a copy of the PDF authorization, parse the document and update the technical information based on the authorization as well as make a record of the conditions on the authorization.  

FCCdata mapping for US TV stations, FM advanced coverage and non-US facilities remains unavailable.

Updated 8-29-2023 05:45 PM ET : 

Resumption of most eLMS operations

Pursuant to 44 USC §3506, federal agencies must provide open data to those who request it.  With that said, we are continuing to make emergency changes in order to resume services.  We have restored eLMS services and have catched up on applications and actions from Monday and Tuesday.  eLMS is triggered by the real time updates which we previously stated are running every 15 minutes between 8AM~7PM ET Monday through Friday only.  A longer hold time was put in between eLMS queue transactions to further rate limit our calls to the FCC.   The retrieval of authorization data including permit/license condition data is currently not available on recent eLMS actions until further notice.  

As a result of eLMS being reactivated, we now have real time FM broadcast data in FCCdata.org.  

Currently unavailable as of this report:

  • Some functionality in myLPFM which uses the FCC Contours API such as determining HAAT, overlapping contours and U/D ratios.  
  • Some functionality on the REC website including the U/D calculator.  We do note that the REC HAAT Tool is up and is rate limited to 6 queries per minute. 
  • Authorization information on FM grants from 8/28 & 8/29, 2023. 
  • FCCdata mapping that is not cached including: TV stations, non-US broadcast stations and FM advanced coverage maps.

We are still working to restore more services.  We note that they could go down at any time.  

Updated 8-29-2023 08:00 AM ET :

FCC.today now providing updates on a limited schedule.  eLMS remains unavailable.

In order to maintain a basic level of service on FCC.today, we have put into place an alternative method, which will keep a very low traffic load on the FCC (even though our peak traffic loads have always been low).  Basic application information is now being displayed on FCCtoday as like before.  Real time updates will only be polled from LMS once every 15 minutes between 8:00AM~7:00PM EDT (7:00AM~6:00PM EST after daylight time ends).  FCC.today will be updated at 10, 25, 40 and 55 past each hour (with the final update at 7:10/6:10PM).  

eLMS services remain unavailable.  We note that FCCdata is still not updated with FM facilities.  No ETU.

We are working on more changes in order to at least bring in LMS dump data into eLMS, even though the LMS dump data provided by the FCC is not complete (one of the reasons why we established eLMS).  No ETU as of yet.

Electronic documents (EDOCS) updates such as FCC news releases, orders and notices are still not yet available.  ETU end of day, Tuesday.

Tools which require the FCC Contour API (except for LPFM.app) remain without API functionality.  This includes contour data on maps in FCCdata for which we do not have cached versions.  

We will continue to update as developments occur.

Updated 8-28-2023 10:00 AM ET :

REC is currently in recovery for data that is delivered through daily raw database dumps.  This includes:

  • LMS raw data (AM, FM and TV broadcasting)
  • ULS raw data (Amateur, TIS, RPU/STL)
  • ASR raw data (Antenna structure registrations)
  • Airport data
  • IBFS raw data (Shortwave broadcast stations and 325 authorizations).

The following services have been restored:

Data on FCCdata:

  • FCC AM Radio
  • FCC TV
  • FCC Amateur
  • TIS

Data on pleadings filings at FCC.today will be updated.

Data at REC Runway Slope is current.

Data used for channel searching (including at LPFM.app) will be made current. 

The following services remain unavailable:

  • Real-time application and actions at FCC.today.
  • Real-time releases of FCC electronic documents (EDOCS) at FCC.today.
  • Processing of applications on eLMS.
  • Updated FM engineering information at FCCdata.
  • TV contour maps at FCCdata.
  • Contour maps for non-US facilities at FCCdata.
  • Advanced FM contour maps at FCCdata.
  • Various tools throughout REC which may utilize height above average terrain, elevation, NAD conversions, contours, etc.  (A workaround was put in place for LPFM.app).

Updated 8-28-2023 06:15AM ET : 

It appears that the IP address used by REC to access FCC public records has been blocked.  We have escalated this issue within the FCC and we hope it was just a misunderstanding from an algorithm.  The following REC accesses have been blocked:

  • Access to read content that does not require a password on LMS (used by LMSbot and eLMS). 
  • Access to obtain the daily database dump from LMS.  (pipe delimited flat files that contain public broadcast data). 
  • Access to obtain the daily database dump from ULS.  (pipe delimited flat files that contain public information on licensees and permittees in WTB services).
  • Access to obtain the daily database dump from IBFS.  (pipe delimited flat files that contain public information on IBFS licensees, such as international broadcast stations).
  • Access to the FCC Contours API.  (to determine elevations, heights above average terrain and to calculate field strength contours).
  • Access to the FCC EDOCS API.  (to retrieve information on public document filings such as public notices and decisions). 

More details to follow as we get them.  Thank you for your understanding. 

Revised 8-27-23 02:40PM ET : This issue has been extended to include all eLMS.

We are currently experiencing issues with FCC mapping and HAAT calculations and our connection to LMS.  This is impacting results on several tools:


Maps for television facilities and all non-USA broadcast facilities, as well as "advanced coverage maps" in FM are not properly displaying. 


No results are appearing at this time.


No elevation or HAAT data will not be displayed.  This information is just for presentation and does not have any impact on the Show of Interest form.  REC is still receiving these requests with all of the data submitted on the SOI form.


No eLMS services due to blocking by the FCC.


This is an issue on the FCC side.  It may self-resolve or we may need to escalate the issue.

As a precautionary measure that may be related to the root cause, we have imposed rate limits on FCCdata and HAAT Tool.  



Sunday, August 27, 2023
Systems affected: 
myLPFM v3
Filing Window Tracking Tool
Voluntary Public File System
Runway Slope
Tower Finder
REC Website Content
RealTime Updates
Issue type: 
FCC issue