We fixed an issue with FCCdata where the LMS or eLMS database is showing no file number for an application. Users were not able to click on a link to view the application or engineering details. We have modified FCCdata so if there is no file number, FCCdata will show the text NoFileNumber therefore making the item clickable.
Radio History Project
Added several new stations in the Radio History Project for AM. Stations chosen are based on "groups" which are identified through the dialscape centered on major cities. This includes all stations that are either within the 0.5 mV/m daytime contour or 80 km of the location being checked.
We are now at 100% coverage in the following groups:
4 - San Francisco, CA
6 - Houston, TX
Next up will be Group 8 (Atlanta, GA) with 16 records and then Group 7 (Washington, DC) with 23 records.
Progress of coverage can be found at: