A long-time licensee of VEIL technology, Advocado has acquired that technology and 46 other patents from VEIL Interactive Technologies, an affiliate of Koplar Interactive Systems International (KISI).
The company will integrate VEIL watermarking capabilities into its data-management platform for broadcast TV and radio, while also adding detection and attribution for interactive TV and gaming. This will enable advertisers, networks and media partners to measure more accurately ad effectiveness and consumer engagement across channels.
“For decades, VEIL has been the industry standard to verify billions of dollars’ worth of media spend,” stated Jeff Linihan, co-founder and COO of Advocado, in a release announcing the deal. “We can now offer the industry a non-biased, real-time attribution and campaign-coordination platform that’s capable of measuring next-generation media experiences, at scale.”
Following the acquisition, Advocado customers will gain expanded monitoring capabilities on cable and over-the-air television, with piloting on radio and streaming audio starting soon thereafter.
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