REC statement regarding AFA's "underground railroad" comments

I, like many are very deeply distrubed that any organization, even one that is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate organizations advocates the commission of a crime, especially child abduction in order to further its cause.  I find it even more distrubing that this organization is also a licensed broadcaster. 

Some will say free speech, he can say whatever he wants and I can agree with that however, when is free speech no longer free?  Is there a limit?  Calling in a bomb threat is a crime.  So is making a verbal threat on the current president of the United States.  What about using a licensed station to incite the commission of a crime, in this case, child abduction? 

American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is definitely testing the waters of free speech in his recent commentary that the children of same sex couples should be abducted through an "underground railroad".  This was broadcast on American Family Radio on the August 8, 2012 edition of "Focal Point" (audio link - at around 29:00).  While Bryan does not encourage people to just "rescue" children from same sex couples (like some have suggested), he is supporting child abudction in custody cases including international flight.  These are crimes under US laws as well  as international treaties.

I normally keep a ten-foot pole between REC operations and issues regarding sexual orientation and gender identity although there have been times that I have encroached the issue within those ten-feet.  I also believe in free speech but I also believe there is a line between free speech and irresponsible speech (e.g. bomb threats) and I think Bryan Fischer finally crossed the line.  I would be speaking up on this issue even if it did not involve a same sex couple.  Those who know me know that I am moderate on most issues and depending on the issue, I will take the left or the right's view.

Over the past 10+ years that I have been involved in LPFM advocacy, I have opened the doors of REC well beyond the community radio and progressive movements and have worked with faith-based organizations in assisting them with their stations and I will continue to do that.  Not all Christians are homophobes who endorse international child abudction.  But at the same time, I still stand by the old-school values that a broadcast license is provided to a broadcaster to "serve the public interest as a public trustee".  Do you think that AFA should be trusted with a public resource when they use it to flat out endorse the commission of crimes? 

REC will still provide free services to the faith-based community regardless of your faith (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) however we will not associate ourselves with criminal activity.  REC will not provide any services to any organization who plans to affilliate with the American Family Association or any other organization mentioned on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate organizations. Any future paid services that REC may provide that involve our name appearing on an FCC application will not be provided to any organization that endorses the limiting of civil rights towards any minority group (including sexual orientation and gender identity) in public policy (not in their own organization's policy).

There are good organizations and there are bad organizations.
We're here for the good ones.

Thank you for your time and your understanding.

Michi Eyre
Founder, REC Networks