myLPFM release 2013.05.13

REC has released a new version of myLPFM.  The following enhancements have been made:

Second Adjacent Channel Waiver

REC has classified all potential second adjacent waiver channels (those that are only short spaced to a second adjacent channel FM station) into one of four categories.  These categories are based on a simple distance spacing formula assuming the second adjacent channel stations are operating at full facilities of their station class. 

  • Very Small - These are areas where the overlap zone is less than 10 meters. This can include locations that are within 3.2km for a Class-A station up to within 16.6km for a Class-C.  A second adjsacent channel waiver will be very likely as you are only required to protect an area 10 meters around the center of radiation of your antenna.  In many cases, the interference may never reach the ground.
  • Small - This is an area where the overlap zone is less than 20 meters.  These are areas within 4.8km for a Class-A to 24.2km for a Class-C.  Second adjacent channel waivers will be likely in many places, especially those locations where the LPFM tower is on a property such as a small field or on a very tall structure such as a water tower. 
  • Medium - This is an area where the overlap zone is less than 100 meters.  These are areas within 10.8km for a Class-A to 51.5km for a Class-C.  A second adjacent waiver in this area may be more difficult as the location must have no residences, businesses or state highways within 328 feet of the tower location. 
  • Large - This is an area where the overlap zone is more than 100 meters.  In most urban and suburban areas, a waiver will be very highly unlikely but it does not hurt to check further.

We have designed this system to give you a method of "ranking" the best potential channels for a second adjacent waiver. To get a better idea of what the overlap area will likely be, please continue to use the [Check Waiver Potential] button on the channel result.

We have also cleared a bug in the second adjacent channel screen (after [Check Waiver Potential] is clicked) where "dummy" records were appearing without proper power and antenna height information resulting in 0m overlap zone results.    You may still see 0m overlap on locations very close to the second adjacent channel station.

Precision GeoLoc Improvement

A modification has been made that allows more precision decimal numbers in both the locations that are saved as short URLs and locations that myLPFM account holders can store.  REC recommends that users re-check their location.  The best way to do it is to use the street address search. This allows you to move a map marker to the exact point of the proposed tower location. 


Guam and American Samoa are not supported in myLPFM.  For assistance in these areas, please contact REC Networks, your consulting engineer or advocacy organization.