Singleton and MX information now incorporated in the LPFM Scoreboard.
Information on LPFM applicants who face no competing applications but have not been acted on yet (singletons), applicants who are short spaced to other applications (other than the March translator applications) and applicants who face competing applications from other LPFM applicants (MX or Mutually Exclusive) is now available at the LPFM Scoreboard at
New functionality in the Scoreboard system replaces the quarterly Singleton list that is issued by REC.
Users of the Scoreboard may notice that there are some applications with the status of "held back". These are applicants who are mutually exclusive for another LPFM applicant but for some reason, our system could not assign the application to a 'Group'. It's very possible because the competing LPFM applicant is short spaced to another station and therefore is ineligible. "Held back" statused applicants will have to do some additional work to determine what exactly the problem is.
Unlike some other Scoreboard data, the MX, shortspaced and singleton information will not be updated on a weekly basis. Information will be updated as needed.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!