Where Will Advertisers Focus in 2022, and Beyond?
The year 2020 was a year like no other. A pandemic of global proportions coupled with a summer of activism brought on by social unrest and renewed questioning of the “status quo” resulted in a call to action as never before seen, at least not in our lifetime.
Brands are paying attention. Consumers are watching and listening to see how brands are reacting. Creative directors and media buyers are shifting greater focus and budget to better reach a more diverse audience and engage the same in marketing partnerships.
That’s why Forecast 2022 is poised to present 2021’s most provocative in-person conversation on the course of advertising — and what broadcast media leaders need to know.
Deborah Wahl, Global Chief Marketing Officer of General Motors, sits down with American Urban Radio Networks CEO Chesley Maddox-Dorsey for an exclusive conversation on GM marketing — how broadcast fits into its strategy, and what the major automotive company looks for in marketing partnerships. Wahl and Maddox-Dorsey also plan to discuss GM’s commitment to increasing minority media expenditures over the next few years.
They will be joined by Doug Ray, Chief Product Officer for Global Media at dentsu Americas.
Ray has been instrumental in the creation and launch of Project Booker, an initiative focused on African American- developed and -owned content that is being distributed on African American-owned radio and is leading the way in how the global media agency community is doing business with that minority-owned media. Ray will offer his agency perspective on a topic that has all of Madison Avenue rethinking and recasting their role in marketing to American consumers — and who those consumers are today.
Register now for Forecast 2022 and take advantage of early bird pricing. Registration includes admittance to the Broadcast Leadership Reception honoring the 2021 Top Radio and Television Leaders.
Always a great networking event, this year’s is even more important!
The Radio and Television Industry’s Financial Summit: Forecast brings together the best and brightest talent in broadcasting and advertising to forecast the coming year, and to discuss the trends and momentums that will affect ratings and revenue. From Washington to Wall Street, Forecast focuses on what’s ahead in the broadcast community’s future and how to prepare for its opportunities and challenges. Join today’s industry leaders and be part of the discussions and debates about what’s ahead for radio in 2022 and beyond.Register today for Forecast 2022. The venue is small – demand is higher than usual – don’t be left out due to a sellout!
NOTE: The Harvard Club adheres to City of New York rules and regulations pertaining to COVID-19 vaccination. Please make your plans accordingly.