November, 2018 release - Merger of denpahoso code-base and other enhancements.

From 11/22~11/26, 2018, REC Networks has conducted an overhaul of which included the merger of the codebase of our Japanese language spectrum information site,  In the past, these two experiences existed in separate environments resulting in Denpahoso not getting changes made in FCCdata (and a couple of cases where Denpahoso had the advantage).  Now, when a change happens in one system, it will affect both.  There will be more upgrades down the road.  Thank you for making FCCdata your choice tool to use!

Release details

FCCdata: Major modification to the codebase to permit to make all non-table-driven text labels to be dynamic.  This will allow for multi-language support in the same codebase.

FCCdata: Moved some system data such as application types, application statuses and service types to a table-driven environment.  This will result in a minor change to the look and feel.

FCCdata: Most dates in the system are now shown in MM/DD/YYYY format.  On the Japanese site, a standard formatting of YYYY年MM月DD日 is used throughout all pages.  Software now gives us flexibility to use different date formats based on language (i.e. using DD/MM/YYYY when necessary, etc.)

FCCdata: Repaired the API call to Google to obtain geocoding.  This fixes functionality used in conjunction with amateur radio listings in the USA, Canada and Australia.  The modifications were necessary to adapt to Google’s new charging structure. 

FCCdata: Removed code specific to FM Translator Auction 83 that identified mutually exclusive facilities.

FCCdata: Fixed bug preventing link to FCC Public File on Class A Digital TV stations.

FCCdata: The merger of the Denpahoso codebase eliminates all of the Google-related mapping errors.  This change has resulted maps not being localized for Japanese like they were with Google.  This is a low priority issue for a future release.

FCCdata: Cleared bug that was displaying NAD27 coordinates of 0 and 0 on LMS (TV) records where no NAD27 data is kept.  (We may modify this in the future to perform NAD83 to 27 conversions).

FCCdata: Removed LPFM dismissal reasons on original construction permits from the 2013 window.  This data is still available at

VPIF: Fixed a bug where VPIF was throwing errors if there are no board members with voting or asset percentage.  VPIF now properly displays that no ownership information was found.  Added a message for VPIF participants currently logged in with a message advising to click on the [Edit Board Members] and manually add members.

VPIF: To the default page, VPIF now displays the stations that have recently signed up to participate in the program.  This is for promotional purposes in order to encourage more stations to join in.

Datastore: Changed LMS source to the new static ZIP filename. This will reduce the chances of receiving an empty dump file from the FCC.

Monday, November 26, 2018
Systems affected:
Voluntary Public File System
Issue type: 