Media Bureau Grants National Association of Broadcasters Request for Expedited Retroactive Waiver Extension FCC Media Bureau News Items
Wireless Microphones in the TV Bands, 600 MHz Guard Band, 600 MHz Duplex Gap, and the 941.5-944 MHz, 944-952 MHz, 952.850-956.250 MHz, 956.45-959.85 MHz, 1435-1525 MHz, 6875-6900 MHz and 7100-7125 MHz Bands Federal Register: FCC (Broadcasting)
Space Innovation; Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
Space Innovation; Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
Amateur Radio Service Rules To Permit Greater Flexibility in Data Communications Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
Amateur Radio Service Rules To Permit Greater Flexibility in Data Communications Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
Implementation of the Final Acts of the 2015 World Radio Communication Conference; Correction Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
Implementation of the Final Acts of the 2015 World Radio Communication Conference Federal Register: FCC (Personal Radio & Amateur)
REC announces Constituent Survey for 2025 FCC proposed and other REC considered LPFM rule changes REC Networks Substack
FCC to vote on proposing to change LPFM administrative rules and other policies REC Networks Substack