REC Initial Statement on today's LPFM decisions...

REC Networks is currently reviewing the two Reports and Orders, the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and other documents that were published today and will have more analysis and opinion on Tuesday.

Preliminarily, we are happy that the FCC is considering the removal of IF channel requirements on 100 watt or less LPFM services. This is disparity that is long overdue to be corrected. We do feel however that additional LPFM vs. translator disparities can be resolved such as the elimination of second adjacent channel restrictions towards translators.

While we are not surprised that the FCC has proposed a 250 watt service, we do not want the FCC to lose sight of the potential of a sub-100 watt LPFM service such as the current LP-10 service or a maximized alternative such as our proposed LP-FLEX service.

Over the next week, we will be evaluating the changes that will be necessary to the broadcast services we provide online. With this aspect, we ask for everyone's patience as we work these things out.

REC is continuing to evaluate the Report and Orders, especially where it applies to LPFM/Translator spectrum distribution.

More will follow later..

Michi Eyre
for REC Networks
8:00 PM EDT