RM-10641: Registration of Radio Transmitters

REC opposes petition to require registration of radio (Ham, Land Mobile, etc.) transmitters.

REC has filed comments in opposition to a petition made by Dale Reich to require that radio transmitters subject to licensing be registered. This is done by the retail vendor of the equipment requiring a name and address of the purchaser. A second part of the petition is asking for a requirement that all transmitters (including Part 15) carry a tag with the owner's name and call sign (if required) on it citing it will be easier for enforcement purposes.

REC opposes because the petitioner has not given any extraordinary compelling reason why this is needed. REC feels that this type of registration is similar to registerring firearms.

REC has asked the FCC to dismiss this petition as frivolous and feels that the Commission's resources can be better spent resolving the remaining LPFM singleton and remedial window applications.