REC API - recID - REC Application ID

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Updated 04-11-2024


This API converts between the hexidecimal-based application IDs used by the FCC in the License Management System (LMS) and the more user-friendly integer-based application IDs used by REC (known as "recID").  

recIDs in the range from 1~2999999 are legacy application IDs from CDBS.  recIDs with numbers starting at 5000000 are CDBS and LMS applications that have been processed by eLMS and LMS applications that were not eligible for eLMS processing.

This API is considered open and does not require a key or a subscription.  This API is intended to promote the use of recIDs in the industry.  Subscribers can use their API key in order to receive a more liberal rate limit if needed.

More information about recIDs can be found at 





Use either recID or lmsID, but don't use both together.

key hex(32) optional

Authorized REC Networks users should use their API key in this query in order to achieve higher rate limits.

recID int required if lmsID is not used.

REC Application Identifier that needs to be converted to a LMS Application Identifier.

lmsID hex(32) required if recID is not used.

LMS Application Identifier that needs to be converted to a REC Application Identifier.

Return on Success

HTTP Code 200

status varchar(9)

found if cross reference is found
not-found if cross reference is not found (HTTP Code 404 is also returned)

recID int

REC Application Identifier.

lmsID hex(32)

LMS Application Identifier.  If the appSource is CDBS, this item will be null

fileNumber varchar(20)

File number associated with the REC & LMS application IDs based on eLMS information.

serviceCode varchar(6)

Service code.

NOTE: For records where the value of appSource is CDBS, the value used is the CDBS service code as opposed to the service code used by LMS and eLMS.  While these are the same for radio records, they are different for television records.  A cross reference of the CDBS service codes to the LMS/eLMS service codes is available through the eLMS table "application_service", which can be obtained on the eLMS Public Data Dump file.

appPurpose varchar(6)

Application type.

NOTE: For records where the value of appSource is CDBS_LMS or LMS, the app_purpose is the LMS purpose code as opposed to the eLMS code.  In addition appPurpose, LMS-only records also use a "sub-purpose code", which will return a separate value in the API at appSubPurpose.  For records where the value of appSource is CDBS, the application purpose code is the one from CDBS.  These appPurpose codes are different than those used for eLMS.   REC maintains a cross reference list of the eLMS, LMS and CDBS service codes at this page.  

appSubPurpose varchar(6)

Application sub-purpose.  (this item is only displayed when the value of appSource is LMS.)

submitDate date

Date the application was submitted.   If the appSource is CDBS, this item will be null.

appStatus varchar(5)

Application status.

NOTE: For records where the value of appSource is CDBS, this value will be the CDBS application status code (5-characters).  A cross reference of the CDBS status codes to the LMS/eLMS status codes is available through the eLMS table "application_status", which can be obtained on the eLMS Public Data Dump file.

appSource varchar(9)

Source of the application:

eLMS Entered by the applicant in LMS and fully processed by eLMS.
CDBS_eLMS Entered by the applicant in CDBS, transferred by the FCC to LMS and then fully processed by REC into eLMS.
LMS Entered by the applicant in LMS.  Not qualified for full processing by eLMS.
CDBS_LMS Entered by the applicant in CDBS, transferred by the FCC to LMS.  Not qualified for full processing by eLMS.
CDBS Entered by the applicant in CDBS, not transferred by the FCC to LMS.  These are older records, which at the time of the CDBS to LMS conversion, were not active facility records.

Rate Limiting

The general rate limit for unauthenticated accesses across all REC APIs is 20 calls per minute (one call every 3 seconds).  Calls to other REC non-API services subject to rate limiting also contribute to this count.  These other services may have lower rate limits.  For authenticated users, the rate limit will be based on negotiations with REC Networks for API access.

Please note, the data contained in an API is also available through a flat file updated daily.  Visit for details and the link to download this file.  REC does not require a subscription or other relationship to receive this daily flat file download.